بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
A quick photo post of some of the mosques I have photographed recently in Saudi Arabia and UAE...
Small masjid near Riyadh centre ... I just loved the simplicity of this masjid and the figure of the man who can be seen praying
Big masjid on the road out of Riyadh towards Kharj. This masjid has all the space and facilities for washing the dead and performing janazah prayer.
As before
Masjid towards the north of Riyadh... sandy skies in Riyadh!
Sharjah, UAE (next to Radisson hotel)... the masjid, carpark and road which is not in photo were jampacked with worshippers for the Eid ul-Adha prayer
Sharjah, UAE
Umm Al-Qaiwaim, UAE
Village mosque, Ramss, Ra's Al-Khaimah, UAE
Part of Masjid Al-Nabi, Madinah by night
Looking down an alley towards Masjid al-Nabi
Masha'Allah what beautiful pictures! I hope your trip was fun!
masha'allah, amazing pictures sis :) insha'allah we will all get to visit some of these in our lives. Thanks for sharing :) such a shame to see some of the mosques so materialistic. I agree with ur comment on the first one, the simplicity of a masjid always takes my breath away
asalaam alaikum warahmat Allah wabarakatu,
dear sister..jazakAllah kheir for sharing these beautiful pictures. when we were in jeddah a couple months back..we spent a day there and my husband went in to pray duhr. they masjid was right on a beautiful river. i sat on the sands watching my kids play while listening to the adhan..and i couldnt help but just be gratful for the simplicity of it all..so like ammena, i agree with your comment about the first pic..but i am biased and my favorite 2 are the last 2 in your post :-) go figure..!
Mashallah beautiful, thankyou for sharing these with us. I can't even say which is my favourite, they all have beauty :)
lovely pictures, very interesting, thanks for sharing!
Assalamu Alaikum, these masajid are beautiful mashaAllah, jazaki Allahu khair for sharing them with us!! :)
Assalaamu alaikum,
Thanks for your comments. :) I love photgraphing mosques... must drive my hubby crazy when I insist he slow down so I can take a piccy! LOL
Oh such lovely pictures! I would take tons of pictures of masjids too if I could. :D The last one of Masjid al Nabawi made me go woww...good memories.
Jazakillah khair for sharing! <3
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